The STR Revenue Growth Course

Beyond Airbnb: Everything you need to know to boost bookings and grow earnings.

Episode 3: Content for Direct Bookings, with Liam from Boostly

It takes less than three seconds to make an impact. In this video, Liam, Head of Customer Success at Boostly, will guide you through how to use your content to turn those seconds into bookings.

Don’t have time to watch the video right now? We’ve got you covered. Our key takeaways mean you won’t miss out on a thing!

Key Takeaways:

Building Trust: In the fiercely competitive hospitality industry, trust is your secret weapon. Boostly emphasizes the need to establish trust between hosts and potential guests through content. Learn how to capture attention within the first three seconds, leaving a lasting impression that your property is the right choice.

Knowing Your Audience: You cannot create effective content without understanding the audience. Liam advises hosts to identify their perfect guest by examining past reviews and discerning which guests bring the most value. Whether catering to couples, business travelers, or families, knowing your audience is the foundation for a successful content plan.

Identifying Pain Points: Tailor your content to address the specific needs and desires of your target audience. Highlighting unique features that set your hospitality offering apart is key.

Utilizing Reviews: Your previous guests can be your strongest advocates. Liam recommends incorporating positive reviews into your content strategy. Whether shared on social media or featured on your website, these testimonials act as powerful endorsements, building trust and credibility among potential guests.

SEO and Blogs: Liam explains the importance of incorporating SEO strategies and maintaining a blog. A well-crafted blog not only attracts organic traffic but also serves as a platform to share valuable information about your property and its offerings.

Tools for Content Creation: BTools like and ChatGPT can be useful for generating content ideas, is great for assessing readability, and you should outsource content creation if needed. These tools can streamline the content creation process, ensuring it aligns with your goals.

TRACT: Remember the acronym TRACT, Target, Avatar, Relevant, Copy, Trust. This encapsulates the main aspects to focus on in content creation. Tailor your content to your specific target audience, ensuring it remains relevant, compelling, and fosters trust.


Missed something? Read the full video summary to get all the insights.


Hello, I’m Liam, representing Boostly, and today I’m delving into the realm of content creation aimed at boosting direct bookings for hosts like you.

Firstly, why should you heed my advice? Well, Boostly has collectively facilitated over £50 million in direct bookings this year alone, and our CEO is the author of a bestselling Amazon book on the subject. With this track record, we believe we’re well-equipped to guide you through this topic.

So, let’s get down to business.

The crux of driving direct bookings lies in building trust with your potential guests. Major online travel agents like Airbnb and excel in this by leveraging celebrity endorsements and evoking emotional responses in their advertisements. Your content must follow suit, establishing trust swiftly within a mere three-second window. To achieve this, you must first understand your audience. Analyze past reviews and identify your most profitable and preferred guests. Once you’ve pinpointed your target demographic, tailor your content to address their pain points.

For instance, if your audience comprises business travelers, highlight conveniences like parking facilities. For families, emphasize safety features. And for couples seeking a romantic getaway, showcase picturesque views and proximity to restaurants. Your content should reflect what sets your hospitality offering apart and why it resonates with your guests.

Utilizing reviews from previous guests is another effective strategy. Sharing positive feedback on social media or your website builds credibility and reassures potential guests of a delightful stay. Incorporating SEO and blogs into your content strategy further enhances visibility and engagement, particularly when aligned with your target audience’s interests.

Now, onto practical tools to streamline your content creation process. Platforms like and ChatGPT generate tailored content based on your preferred guest profile and property features. Additionally, Hemingway Editor assesses readability, ensuring your content is easily digestible. Outsourcing content creation through platforms like Upwork or Fiverr is also an option for those seeking professional assistance.

In summary, focus on building trust through relevant, targeted content, leveraging previous reviews and optimizing for search engines. And remember, a plethora of tools are available to assist you in this endeavor.

If you found this training helpful, explore Boostly for comprehensive resources and support in maximizing your direct bookings. Visit for more information or grab a copy of our book at

Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out via email. Thank you for tuning in, and until next time, happy hosting!”