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Episode 10: Essential Tips for Keeping Rental Properties Well-Maintained with Michael from Lula Cleaning

Managing short-term rentals can be a whirlwind, especially when it comes to keeping everything spick and span. Michael Burakovsky, the brain behind Lula Cleaning, knows this firsthand. In this blog post, we’re breaking down Michael’s top advice, focusing on practical ways to make cleaning and maintenance a breeze for rental properties.

Don’t have time to watch the video right now? We’ve got you covered. Our key takeaways mean you won’t miss out on a thing!

Key Takeaways:

Make Things Easier with Automation: Forget about juggling tasks and messages manually. Look into tools that can automate assignments and communication. Less manual work means fewer mistakes and more time saved.

Customize for Your Needs: Every rental property is different. Whether you’re managing one place or a dozen, tailor your cleaning and maintenance approach to fit each property’s unique needs.

Keep an Eye on Quality: Good cleaning is essential for happy guests and property upkeep. Set up checks to ensure that cleaning is up to scratch. Regular inspections help maintain consistency and spot areas for improvement.

Stay One Step Ahead of Guests: Anticipating what guests need is key. Keep track of arrivals, requests, and any special needs. Being prepared means guests are more likely to have a great experience.

Work Smarter, Not Harder: Look for ways to streamline your operations. This could mean outsourcing tasks, managing supplies better, or using tech to your advantage. Less hassle means more time for other things.

Think About the Future: As your business grows, so will your workload. Plan for this by thinking ahead and setting up systems that can grow with you.

Clear communication is vital: Make sure everyone involved knows what’s going on. Regular updates and feedback help keep everyone on the same page.

Always Look to Improve: Don’t settle for “good enough”. Keep looking for ways to make things better. Listen to feedback and use it to tweak and refine your processes.


Missed something? Read the full video summary to get all the insights.


Hi, let’s start this episode.

Streamlining your cleaning and maintenance.

Whether you’re gearing up to start your journey in short-term rentals, already managing a rental business, or perhaps even running a cleaning company, stick around for some valuable insights on this topic.

Meet Michael Burakovsky, the brains behind Lula Cleaning, an application designed to manage cleaning and maintenance processes in short-term rental businesses.

Michael realized the need for such a tool when he found himself managing properties from abroad. Tired of constantly calling his cleaning team and micromanaging every detail, he decided to create a solution.

So, let’s dive in. On the following slides, Michael will walk us through various aspects of cleaning management and the factors to consider.

Firstly, let’s address the pain points associated with cleaning and maintenance.

One common issue is the manual transfer of information between systems. Often, you find yourself copying and pasting details to inform your cleaning team about when and where to clean your properties. This method is prone to errors and can lead to miscommunication.

Moreover, unexpected challenges, such as last-minute bookings or guests extending their stays, can disrupt your cleaning schedule. Additionally, it’s challenging to keep track of all cleanings using traditional methods like pen and paper, especially when it comes to managing payments for employees.

Introducing automation can alleviate many of these challenges. However, before diving into automation, consider various factors such as the location of your properties, whether you’ll manage cleanings in-house or hire a cleaning company, and how to ensure quality control.

Furthermore, anticipate future growth and plan your strategy accordingly. Consider the types of employees you’ll need and implement quality control measures to maintain standards as your business expands.

In conclusion, the main takeaway is to plan ahead and consider where you want your company to be in the future. Simplify processes, implement quality control, and embrace automation to streamline your cleaning and maintenance operations effectively.

And remember, you’re invited to try out the Lula Cleaning application. With features like easy task assignments, customizable checklists, and multilingual support, it’s designed to make your life easier.

So, let’s dive in and see how Lula Cleaning can transform your cleaning and maintenance processes.