
Blueground Partner Network - curated booking platform for 30+ day stays

Blueground’s Partner Network is a curated, invite-only booking platform, where high quality furnished apartment providers can increase their revenue from 30+ day stays.

Blueground is a furnished apartment provider with over 15,000 properties under management, in 30+ cities around the world. Blueground processes over 100,000 bookings every year thanks to its strong online, direct demand. With the Partner Network, Blueground is adding high quality supply from carefully selected and trusted partners to its platform to meet this ever growing demand.


Benefits of connecting to Blueground via Rentals United


Seamless Integration

Seamless & zero fee tech integration


Affluent Guests

Clientele includes affluent, young professionals


Low Commission

Low commission rate

Blueground Blueground Blueground

Service Features

  • Live availability
  • Instant booking
  • Upfront payment collection from customers
  • PMs can vet/ screen the customer post booking

Key Info

Category Vacation Rental Site
Service Release Date 2013
Headquarter Location NYC
Minimum properties required 10
Website Visit now
Minimum Requirements to Connect Need to allow for instant bookings, provide live availability and pricing, and for 30 days minimum stay. Furnishings and apartments need to have high quality standards.
Onboarding Time 2-5 business days

How it Works

  1. Upload your properties to Rentals United. Add them manually or via PMS/API sync. Go to Services and add Blueground.
  2. Follow the Checklist with detailed instructions and Activate Connection. Blueground will review your content and reach out to you if necessary
  3. Once synced, your rates, calendars, bookings and cancellations will update automatically
  4. Start receiving bookings!