TUI Villas

La plataforma internacional de casas de vacaciones de TUI cuenta con más de 300,000 propiedades privadas, parques de vacaciones y complejos en toda Europa y más allá.

TUI Villas es un socio afiliado de HomeToGo. Conéctate a HomeToGo dentro de la plataforma Rentals United para listar tus propiedades en TUI Villas.


Características del Servicio de HomeToGo

  • HomeToGo funciona con precios por noche, por huésped y por duración de la estancia.
  • HomeToGo acepta el inventario Multi-Unit
  • HomeToGo funciona con reservas instantáneas
  • Acceso a más de 10 métodos de pago localizados
  • Políticas de cancelación personalizadas para mantener el control de sus reservas
  • Si gestiona menos de 10 propiedades, es responsabilidad suya cobrar al cliente y recaudar el dinero (a continuación se facilita la Guía de conexión).

Información Clave para TUI Villas (Afiliado de HomeToGo)

Categoría Metasearch
Fecha de lanzamiento del servicio 2014
Ubicación de la sede Berlin, DE
N de Rentals United propiedades conectadas 9000
Propiedades mínimas requeridas 1
Página web Visita ahora
Comisión Pagarás un 14% de comisión por cada reserva. Para los clientes que no estén en EE.UU. y además no utilicen HomeToGo Payment, la comisión será del 15%.
Qué se sincroniza Tarifas, disponibilidad, reservas, fotos, información sobre la propiedad
Tiempo de incorporación 7 días
Requisitos mínimos Se requiere una calidad mínima de contenidos. Contacte con nosotros para más información

TUI Villas, affiliate of HomeToGo

  1. Upload your holiday homes to Rentals United. Add them manually or via PMS/API sync.
  2. Connect to TUI Villas through the HomeToGo connection.
  3. Follow the Checklist with detailed instructions. Create an account and sign your agreement with TUI Villas.
  4. Activate Connection. Your holiday homes will be uploaded via API by Rentals United.
  5. Your rates, calendars and property info, including photos and amenities, will update automatically.
  6. Receive a booking!
  7. Rentals United will send you a booking confirmation.
  8. TUI Villas send you the details about the booking, you need to arrange arrival details directly with the guest.
  9. Payment: TUI Villas charges the guest and sends payments to property owners on the day of arrival.
  10. Reviews: And after departure, TUI Villas will send your guest a review request.

A Rich History and Global Reach

TUI Villas as launched in 2011 as a result of TUI Group’s strategic diversification efforts beyond the core tour operator business. It recognized the burgeoning demand for alternative accommodation options, and aimed to leverage the company’s extensive industry relationships and infrastructure to carve out a niche in the vacation rental market.

What started as a focused initiative within Europe has blossomed into a global phenomenon, with TUI Villas offering an impressive portfolio of over 300,000 vacation rental properties across more than 100 countries worldwide.

A Trusted Brand With Unparalleled Quality

One of the key differentiators that set TUI Villas apart is the trust and credibility that come with being part of the renowned TUI Group brand.

TUI Villas employs a rigorous vetting process to ensure that every property listed on the platform meets stringent standards. From cleanliness and amenities to location and overall ambiance, each vacation rental is carefully curated.

Personalized Recommendations, Tailored Experiences

TUI Villas understands and caters to the needs of the platform’s customer base. The brand leverages deep insights into travel trends and customer behavior to offer personalized recommendations.

Whether a traveler is seeking a cozy cabin nestled in the mountains, a luxurious beachfront villa, or a modern city apartment, TUI Villas’ extensive inventory and sophisticated algorithms help individuals discover ideal accommodations. The personalized approach enhances the travel experience and fosters a sense of connection and loyalty among guests.

Seamless Integration, Unparalleled Convenience

TUI Villas recognizes travelers’ aim for convenient and efficient travel; thus the platform has seamlessly integrated with over 1,000 other travel platforms. As a result, customers are able to compare and book vacation rentals alongside other essential components such as flights and activities. TUI Villas simplifies the entire travel journey by eliminating the need to juggle multiple platforms and accounts.

Empowering Hosts, Unlocking Opportunities

TUI Villas recognizes the importance of the platform’s host community. TUI Villas empowers hosts to unlock new revenue streams and reach a global audience of potential guests by providing a platform for property owners to list and manage vacation rentals.

The brand offers tools and resources to help hosts optimize listings, set competitive pricing, and effectively communicate with guests. TUI Villas’ integration with the broader TUI ecosystem means that hosts benefit from increased visibility and the potential for higher occupancy rates, making it a win-win scenario for all parties involved.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does TUI Villas ensure the quality of its vacation rental properties?

TUI Villas employs a rigorous vetting process to assess each property’s condition, amenities, and overall suitability for guests. Properties must meet strict quality standards to be listed on the platform, ensuring a consistent and reliable experience for travelers.

Can guests book flights and other travel components through TUI Villas?

Yes, TUI Villas is seamlessly integrated with over 1,000 other travel platforms, allowing guests to book flights, activities, and more.

Can a host list a property on TUI Villas if he or she is not currently with another vacation rental platform?

Absolutely, TUI Villas welcomes new hosts to list properties on the platform. The onboarding process includes property verification and quality assessments to ensure a seamless experience for guests.

What sets TUI Villas apart from other vacation rental platforms?

TUI Villas has an extensive global reach, a trusted brand reputation, personalized recommendations, seamless integration with the TUI ecosystem, and rigorous quality assurance standards for listed properties.